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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Acai Berries - Where to Get the Miracle Energy & Weight Loss Supplement?

If the latest miracle health craze has left you asking where to get some Acai berries, you're in good company. The miracle Brazilian "superfood" has been toted as an amazing energy and weight loss supplement, and has taken Daytime TV, Hollywood, and the internet blogosphere by storm over the last year...

Are they living up to all the hype?

The truth is, Acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) berries are the latest craze for good reason. Packed with up to ten times the antioxidants of other "superfoods", plus powerful essential fatty acids, protein, fibre, amino acids, vitamins and more, many think they're the ultimate energy & weight loss supplement. They've even been dubbed "nature's perfect energy food" by bestselling author Dr. Perricone.

The berries, found in the Amazon rain forests of Brazil, taste like a mixture of vibrant berries and chocolate, and can can help you with everything from weight loss to fighting cancer and premature aging.

With all the hype about Acai berries, where to get them has become an increasingly popular question.

Due to the short shelf life of the Acai berry, you won't find any beside the grapes and blueberries in your local grocer, which is why many have been searching the internet like mad for other forms of the berry to get a taste.

Online, it's easy to find the Acai berries in several forms. First, the juice form, can also be found in some gourmet health food stores. However, it seems many companies have started carrying a pill supplement that is marketed to the weight loss crowd, and it is often a cheaper alternative to the juice.

Either way, the Acai berries have garnered remarkable interest both for it's energy, weight loss potential and general health effects. So don't miss out, grab some now and find out for yourself.

For More Related Topics Blog: How To Lose Weight In A Week Fast

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