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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Acai Berry - The Weight Loss Perspective

Acai berry is a fruit that grows primarily in Amazon rainforest. It grows on palm trees in bunches just like bananas; it is smaller in size than a grape and contains very little pulp compared to the seed. Since it is perishable the only way it is available to the rest of the world is in the form of concentrates, juices, powders, supplements, etc.

Acai berry has extraordinary health benefits. It is an ant-aging agent, immune-system strengthener; it has anti-cancer properties, can reduce bad cholesterol (LDL), it is a powerful anti-oxidant, can help lower blood pressure, relieve symptoms associated with diabetes, can help prevent heart disease and can prevent the DNA from damage; it has also anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. It is more potent anti-oxidant than blueberries and red grapes. Drinking Acai Berri juice daily can increase energy levels. However it doesn't provide a quick energy boost rather it restores our natural energy level over time: the level we had before starting the regular consumption of caffeine and soft drinks.

This list of benefits goes on and on.

It is used in weight control since it has a low glycemic index and can curb the appetite. It can also improve digestion. Acai berry can also help lose weight due to the content of important amino-acids, enzymes, fiber and essential fatty acids.

If you want to lose weight make sure you eat the right foods and exercise. Weight loss aids are just that - aids - they are not miracle products. Some weight loss aids are also promote good health as the case is with the Acai berry so I would suggest that you include it in your diet if you can afford it.

For More Related Topics Blog: Women Weight Loss Exercises

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