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Saturday, October 19, 2013

How Effective Goal-Setting Can Improve Your Weight Loss Results Dramatically

If you've been reading my e-zine, you'll know that one of my biggest pet peeves about a training routine is not having an exact goal.

I'd like to stress to you that your goals are so different from your wishes. Your wishes are simply ideals that you'd 'like' to have.

A wish is like saying,

"I wish I could lose the last ten pounds"

"I wish I could fit in my high school jeans"

"I wish I could walk up the stairs without getting winded..."

And so on.

These are nice, but they have no power to motivate you to get up and do anything about it. Anyone can 'wish' they'd fit in their jeans. Well, I'd like to end the war in Iraq but it's not gonna happen if I just wish it.

This is why it's so important to have goals instead of "wishes". A goal is a concrete, must-be-done by this date, course of action that gives you small, yet measurable steps towards your overall goal.

The best thing about a BIG goal is that you can break it up into smaller, more manageable goals.

A wish is nothing but a vague statement of intent. It has no motivating power to get you up off your butt and force you to take action.

However, a goal with a deadline gives you focus. It allows you to zero in on what you want with pinpoint precision.

No weight loss or fitness goal was ever achieved without focus. Hoping to lose weight doesn't make your clothes fit any better, but setting weekly goals that keep you accountable for your actions does.

You can hope and wish all you'd like, but only getting up and making things happen will get the results you're after.

For More Related Topics Blog: Herbal Weightloss

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