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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Healthy Weight Loss Tip - Reduce Your Portion Size

For any person wanting to lose weight, one simple step you can take is to reduce your portion size.

"But it's not that easy!" you're probably saying right now. Yes, it is just that easy.

Portion control is difficult, I know. When you're accustomed to eating large portions, you think you'll never be able to stop. You can stop, though, and here are some tips to help you along the way.

Portion Control Tip: Leave off that second helping. It is way too easy to go for that second helping when you are at home. Especially when you're eating alone, you may think it doesn't really matter---but it does. Say no to second helpings.

Portion Control Tip: Take it to go. When you're eating out, only eat half of your meal. Ask for a "to go" plate. All restaurants are happy to give you a plate to take your remaining food home. Now you can have the leftovers for lunch the next day, plus you've cut your portion in half.

Portion Control Tip: Ask for a half-serving. This is another good tip for when you're dining out. Many times, restaurants serve enormous portions. Ask your waiter for a half-serving of your favorite dish.

Portion Control Tip: Smaller is better. When snacking, even if you go for healthier snack, remember that smaller is better. Pass up the larger bags and go for the mini bags.

Portion Control Tip: Skip the buffet. Buffet bars are notorious for their all you can eat offer. This is a bad situation to put yourself in when you're trying to learn to control your portions. Stay away from buffets altogether until you have established better portion management for yourself.

These portion control tips will help you get a good start to healthy weight loss.

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